We are just days away from the 7th Awards Ceremony for The People's Book Prize 2015/2016 and very pleased that our author Jason Drew is one of the finalists.
The People's Book Prize is the unique literary competition that is judged by the nation. It is aimed at finding, supporting and promoting new and undiscovered works. Voting is done on The People's Book Prize website where all 36 Finalists are listed, within 3 categories: Fiction, Non-Fiction and Children's and you can vote for one book in each category. The winners will be announced at the Awards Ceremony on 12 July which will be broadcast by Sky News.Jason's book was chosen in the Summer 2015 Collection. The Story of the Fly and How it Could Save the World will take you behind the pesky reputation and inside the brain and body of the much misunderstood fly. It investigates the insect as pest and how man has tried (tirelessly, often unsuccessfully) to kill it – exploring everything from how it walks on ceilings to how it survives Ice Ages and outsmart all manner of fly swats, toxins and traps. The book also reveals how, throughout history, innovative humans – including Napoleon Bonaparte’s surgeon, NASA, various forensic entomologists and the UK National Health Services – have harnessed and researched the fly to help mankind.
But ultimately it introduces the fly as a future hero that could help save the world.
How? By recycling waste nutrients and generating sustainable protein to spare the fish in the ocean and feed the ever-growing number of people on our Earth. That’s a story worth telling. And one worth reading, too.
In the lead-up to the final, Jason was interviewed by The People's Book Prize team and tells how he has been described as 'Lord of the Flies and as 'one of Africa's most inspiring green leaders'.
You can read the full interview here and also includes details on how to vote.
We wish Jason all the best at the Awards Ceremony when the winners will be announced.
If you haven't voted yet, please visit the website now!